Work area

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our service areas or our capabilities. You can contact the direct responsible person or send us a general question. 

Experts and specialized competence is where we shine the most! 

Core Systems

Core systems, we work with C, C++, cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum ripple), Blockchain, Cryptography, SDK and API, Games (Unity 3D, Unreal Engine), Embedded (RPi, FPGA, ASIC), Compilers and translators.

Software Engineering

Developers, architects and DevOps Engineers with a Quality Mindset and solid experience in the Java Eco system, Microsoft stack – C#/.NET, Cloud Solutions and C/C++. Front end Technologies with specialty knowledge within Apps, iOS, Android, JavaScript (React, Angular, Vue), HTML


We cover the whole Analytics area, BI, ML, AI and both Data Science & Engineer roles. We have experienced engineers who have done that before and can help you. Pandas, SciKit-learn, Natural Lanaguage, Python, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib

Meet our Creative team

We have a talented and dynamic team

Sharon Berry

Project Manager
+46 (0) 76 022 60 77

Mina Alphonce

Head of Software Engineering
+46 (0) 72 978 29 29

Aries Bucquet

Head of Analytics
+46 (0) 708 48 488

Meet our Creative team

We have a talented and dynamic team

Sasha Zeziulinksyi

Head of Core Systems

Mina Alphonce

Head of Software Engineering

Aries Bucquet

Head of Analytics



Just need one or couple of highly skilled people to be part of your team? SwedQ hires people before they have any assignment, therefore we always have personnel available.

IT Solutions

Do you want to take your business to the next step? We can help you to develop and adapt the solution after your business needs. Our developers and engineers are multi-disciplined and have the knowhow.


Sometimes it is much cheaper and easier to hand over the whole project. Therefore we have an internal architects, developers and project managers that support outsourcing projects.



Just need one or couple of highly skilled people to be part of your team? SwedQ hires people before they have any assignment, therefore we always have personnel available.

IT Solutions

Do you want to take your business to the next step? We can help you to develop and adapt the solution after your business needs. Our developers and engineers are multi-disciplined and have the knowhow.


Sometimes it is much cheaper and easier to hand over the whole project. Therefore we have an internal architects, developers and project managers that support outsourcing projects.